How do you take an under-utilized historic building and provide it with an engaging, hands-on interactive exhibit for kids? The new educational exhibit in the Andrew Johnson Early
Home accomplishes this and other park goals. Designed by Park Education Technician Ashley Burns for students and other young visitors, the new exhibit includes hands-on interactive elements that teaches civics and government. The exhibit is based on Andrew Johnson’s journey into politics, beginning at the local level of government in Greeneville, Tennessee, and continuing his career through positions in state and federal government, ultimately highlighting his ascension to the presidency.

The exhibit, made possible by donations from both America’s National Parks and the Friends of the Andrew Johnson NHS, is a secondary planning goal to a new social studies curriculum developed by Education Technician Ashley Burns. In 2022, Park Management planned to enhance its education programs by emphasizing the role of government at the local, state, and federal levels. Burns developed lesson plans based on state education standards and field-tested them with visiting school groups. In 2023, she envisioned a way to incorporate the Andrew Johnson Early Home with a meaningful, hands-on learning experience for students, transcending the way students previously utilized the house. Working with park partners and staff, Burns coordinated the exhibit from idea-phase to design and production, and finally to a completed educational exhibit.

The new education exhibit in the Early Home provides improved learning opportunities for students, using interactive elements. “This was a true team effort,” said Burns, adding “Multiple Park divisions worked behind the scenes to ensure the success of this project, including the park’s maintenance team, who installed it. But none of it would have been possible without the guidance and support of our park partners.”

Recently, Park Superintendent Aaron Shandor, Education Technician Ashley Burns, America’s National Parks Representative Andrew Lee, and Friends of the Andrew Johnson NHS President George Collins gathered to review the final product. All are excited to offer the education curriculum and the new exhibit to students, who are both young and young at heart.