Shawn Price, Director of the Dineh Tah’ Navajo Cultural Program, will give a presentation titled “Johnson and Tribal Treaties” at 6:30 pm on Thursday, April 20, in the Simon Room of First Presbyterian Church on Main Street in Greeneville. He will look at some of the post-Civil War actions of the Peace Commission and President Andrew Johnson’s work with the Peace Commission of 1867 and 1868. The speaker will also discuss some of the notable Tribal Treaties that bear President Johnson’s signature. This program is free and open to the general public. Following the presentation light refreshments will be served.

Shawn Price is the Tradition Keeper and Director of the Dineh Tah’ Navajo Dancers. He is a Traditional orator and historian whose responsibilities include his practice as a Traditional practitioner and herbalist. Shawn is an advocate for Tribal issues especially the protection of sacred sites and for seeking Tribal, State, and Federal legislation to protect native dances and songs from exploitation and misappropriation. He has consulted on many cultural and historical issues related to museums, welcome centers, events, and other public and media programs.

Shawn is a graduate of Communications and Journalism from the University of New Mexico. His current work includes research and writing on Tribal Treaties and notable historical figures, such as President Johnson, who were involved in establishing these Nation-to-Nation agreements.

This program is sponsored by the Andrew Johnson Heritage Association, the Official Friends Group of the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site.

The performing ambassadors of the Great Navajo Nation, the Dineh Tah’ Navajo Dancers, will be visiting Greeneville on April 20 and 21, 2023 as part of a national tour. The tour is in recognition of the 155th Anniversary of the signing of the treaty that established the Navajo Nation State. The treaty was signed by President Johnson on August 12, 1868.

The group will perform a Ceremonial Blessing at the Andrew Johnson Homestead on Thursday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. This program is free and open to the general public.

On April 21, the Dancers will be the guest of the Andrew Johnson Heritage Association at a Fund-Raiser Dinner. The dinner and performance program will be at the General Morgan Inn and Conference Center beginning at 6:30 pm. Tickets for the dinner and program are $75.00 per person. Seating is limited to 100 guests. Reservation requests can be obtained at the Andrew Johnson Bank in downtown Greeneville. Reservation requests can also be obtained by calling George Collins at 423-525-0240 or e-mailing